Flashcards and assorted little aids to the art and craft of music
Learning to recognize notes in treble and bass clefs
Start figuring out intervals visually by numbers only. E.g. 3rd, 5th... Developed by Dr. Brian Driscoll.
Minor 3rd, major 7th, that sort of stuff. In treble and bass clefs.
Telling the quantity only when given two treble, two bass or a grand stave
Hear two intervals in a row. That's where the whole "use a famous tune to tell the interval" falls apart and we need to up our game.
Recognizing key signatures. D major has 2 sharps, for example. Bass and treble clefs. This post might help with the theory.
No clefs here. "Relative" meaning the minor and the major keys that have the same number of sharps and flats. Dr. Driscoll grilled us on these like it's the second coming of Johann Sebastian.
Major, minor, augmented, diminished triads in bass and treble clefs. This might help with the theory.
Major, minor, dominant, half-diminished and diminished seventh chords. Recognize them visually, hear them harmonically and broken up.
Jazzy major, minor, dominant, dominant flat and dominant sharp ninth chords.
All of the triads, 7ths, 9ths, also 6ths, add2, add4, and sus chords. Pick and choose thes one you want to practice. There are 3 ways to practice: identification, ear training and spelling.
4 scales (major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor) that you should be able to write out on manuscript paper in treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs. Inspired by Dr. Driscoll's quizes. Which scales and clefs you want to practice is customizable.
Formulas and solfège for constructing for Ionian, Mixolydian, etc modes.
Practice spelling out whole tone, pentatonic and octatonic scales, and church modes.
Create your own tone rows like a pro.
Given an interval and direction, and the start note, sing the second. Also hear the answer. Modeled after what Dr. David Goodman's taught and quizzed us.
Same as above but sing triads, sevenths and ninths. Up and down. Thanks Dr. Goodman!
A drone tone tool to keep you grounded when working on intonation and/or modes.
Given e.g. I to V you have to answer Half Cadence. Quiz-style (as opposed to flashcard-style). Customizable.
"Rules" for which chord tone you'd double when writing SATB parts. Based on the TMM book.
Only four questions - what are the singing ranges of Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass to keep in mind when voicing your chords. Based on the TMM book.
The 3 most common chord progressions (x2 because of major and minor) as defined in the Santa Monica College music curriculum. You hear the progression and are given a key signature. You're expected to identify the progression, write out the chords and the Roman Numeral Analysis. Customizable. Thanks Dr. Driscoll!
More chord progressions! Listen, identify and write out Roman Numeral Analysis. Customize which progressions to work on. Thanks to Dr. Goodman for the recordings!
Flashcards with the List of Italian musical terms used in English
Musical terms in German
Musical terms in French
Dr. Goodman's list of musical terms, part 1
Tempos, dynamics, articulations
Plug in your midi instrument or tap away on the computer keys
Created after I saw Martin Taylor live
Test page to read/write from various MIDI devices in the browser using the WebMIDI API